Sunday, September 25, 2011

God Plans are His plans

..and are much better in growing and maturing yourself emotionally, physically, and spiritually! Remember when I mentioned about VBS being my top on the list in helping out and then speaking and last, drama? At today's meeting/training, we found out which section we are in...and to my amazement, I am in..DRAMA! God has a sense of humor, and His plans are best in growing me (that's for sure :)

I was proud of myself for stepping out and reaching out to people. God has something in store through all this in regards to working on my comfort zone. I heard and have begun to realize that we all struggle with the same things (working on or much better in)--insecurity, fear, rejection. We are never alone in the battle, thankfully, huh? :)

God is so good to us, and His love never fails, and His lovingkindness endures forever!


Lilac Bud Gal said...

Oh goodness! Yup, He certainly does have a sense of humor... ;) I guess it is nice to know that if God has put in a place you aren't very comfortable in, He will give the strength and peace to see it through, right? :)
So, what does being in 'drama' involve (if you are able to tell)?

I will be praying that God will just give you whatever you need to get this task done. :)

Blessings, my friend!

Rachel said...

Hi Sarah!
I love that--"He will give the strength and peace to see it through" :)

With the drama, we get our heads together to figure out what costumes and acts to put together for the skits we are doing for the kids. We won't be saying anything since they do not understand our language anyway! :D so it will be acting with music in the background. I think it will be fun!

Thank you, friend, for your prayers!
Love and blessings,

Lhen said...

wonderful post.

yes it's very true, God is so good to us, and His love never fails, and His lovingkindness endures forever!

Keep Inspiring. :)


Lilac Bud Gal said...

Yup, God really taught that one to me recently. :)

Oh, I see! That should definitely be neat. :) I also know it is much harder than regular acting where you can speak. Words have to go into those actions, so every move is important. I think that is a really neat idea, though! :)

Keep us posted! :)


susanwalkergirl said...


You are right...each one of has struggles. I think when we can admit it and be transparent, like you are, God can use it to help grow us up...but comfort, strengthen and challenge others too.


Rachel said...

Yes, to grow us! Love it, growing us in the maturity in all things in life. :)