This morning we had a third training and it was more of a hands-on training instead of listening to information and taking notes! We began with worship of our Lord and prayer, and separated into teams afterward. Our Team #1 of about seven drove to the Kidsuem in Santa Ana (a part of Bower's Museum) and volunteered in helping put together crafts for the kids who would come work on them at a later date. We had a glimpse of India through this in helping with crafts as if we were there in India at VBS! :) The other teams did activities such as visiting hospitals and helping the homeless. We all came back together as a whole team and ate lunch Indian style--we ate with our right hand (no utensils, and eating with your left hand is improper in India as using the left hand is for restroom purposes). It was an experience and fun and interesting to eat that way, and learning how they do it in India.
Tomorrow morning, my drama team meets together for an hour and going over the ideas we have for the skits! Thank you for your continued prayers; the prayer page is updated as well :) God's blessings!!
Thank you for the update Rachel. Praying for your the the team going to India.
Wow! That sounds like a lot of work, but really fun, too! I always loved doing crafts with children. Such a creative way to spend time with them and get to know them, and then share the Word with them!
Ooh, that would have been interesting to only eat with your right hand. And no utensils! Well, I guess it's good that they are preparing you now instead of having you learn it super fast when you get over there!
Thanks so much for the update! :) I enjoy hearing about what you are up to. I'll continue praying that God will just use you for His glory-and I know He will! :)
Blessings and hugs,
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